Reverse Engineering (For Plugin Devs)
Reverse engineering an application is difficult. Reverse engineering a massive game like Final Fantasy XIV is a lot more difficult. There are a lot of moving parts, and opening a decompiler for the first time can be daunting to even seasoned developers. It's very much out of scope of this documentation to teach you how to reverse engineer the game, but it can at least provide you some guidance to figure things out by yourself.
A Primer
Fundamentally, Final Fantasy XIV is running on your machine, which means it's
constantly running game code locally. This code is responsible for communicating
with the server, rendering the scene, drawing UI elements, determining what
state a player is in, and all sorts of other things. All of this happens within
the game's process and memory space, using instructions (generally, in assembly)
found in the ffxiv_dx11.exe
file located on your computer.
There is, however, a problem here: we don't have Final Fantasy XIV's source code. The final program they ship us is very stripped down, with very little useful information present in it. To this end, the community has created and maintained a project known as FFXIVClientStructs, which provides a general source of information on the game internals and provides set of C# bindings that effectively allow plugins to use the game as a library. Docs can be found here, however this documentation is incomplete and plugin developers will inevitably need to reverse engineer the game itself to discover new things. Which leads us cleanly to...
How do I reverse engineer the game?
As alluded to before, a full guide on reverse engineering the game is impossible to write. Reverse engineering is a very complex discipline and takes many years to master. Developers with prior experience with C/C++ may have a slight head start, but ultimately it's still a difficult puzzle to solve.
Within reverse engineering there are (at least) two major ways to interact with programs to figure out how they tick: Static Analysis is when a developer reads the game's disassembled or decompiled source code, often using tools specifically designed for the purpose; and Dynamic Analysis, where debuggers and memory editors are used to create breakpoints and notify on changes to memory. Many developers will make heavy use of both of these mechanisms, as one will often provide context to the other.
Static Analysis
Static Analysis is the act of reading through a program's disassembled code, often using an interactive disassembler or decompiler. There are many tools that help with this process, such as Hex-Rays IDA, Ghidra, and Binary Ninja, though others exist. The vast majority of the Dalamud community will use either IDA or Ghidra for their work, and most tooling that exists is built for one of these two tools. There's no functional difference to either tool, so it's really up to the developer to choose which one they like more.
Once you have your disassembler installed and working (you did read the manual
and find some online tutorials for how to navigate it, right?), it's time to
load up ffxiv_dx11.exe
and start poking around. At this point, most developers
will load in
a few data files and
use that to explore the program in question.
Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic Analysis, unlike static analysis, is the act of inspecting what the code is doing live. This is generally where tools like Cheat Engine, x64dbg, and ReClass.NET shine. Developers will often use these programs to find interesting memory addresses or place breakpoints on known data structures to see what game code affects a certain location in memory.
Certain tools, such as pohky's XivReClassPlugin will additionally tie some dynamic analysis tools into the ClientStructs database, allowing devs to move faster with access to more information.
On Functions, Offsets, and Signatures
As alluded to before, Final Fantasy XIV is, in fact, a program. Programs, among other things, tend to follow an execution flow starting from an entrypoint (the first function called), going to other functions, spanning across threads, responding to user input, and all sorts of other things that make the game actually playable. The game will call a certain function on a specific user action, or will use a function to fetch some relevant data or perform some calculation for display in the UI or similar. All this to say: functions are perhaps one of the most critical concepts to anyone exploring the game code.
Functions exist in the program's memory space, starting at a specific offset
from the program's base address. These function offsets uniquely identify a
specific function, and are generally expressed like ffxiv_dx11.exe+4BC200
in decompilers and other tools, though most developers will shorten this to just
when talking to each other. However, function offsets are not fixed.
Every individual version of the game will change all function offsets, meaning
they are effectively useless for use in plugins directly. Instead, developers
will use a different (and far more stable) unique identifier: the signature.
A signature is a specific series of bytes (expressed as a hexadecimal string)
that uniquely identifies either the start of a function (known as a direct
signature) or a reference to a specific function (an indirect signature). For
example, take the signature E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 88 84 2C
. This string only
exists once in the game's binary, and uniquely identifies to a function that
checks if the player has completed a specific quest. Because a signature refers
to a part of the binary, it is far more stable - a signature will only break if
Square Enix changes the code the signature represents, or adds new code that
generates the same signature. It is not uncommon for signatures to last multiple
major patches. Signatures can either be made by hand by skilled developers, or a
tool like Caraxi's SigMaker-x64 can be
used to automatically generate one.
Using Game Functions
There are two major ways that a developer can use a function: creating a hook to intercept a function, or creating a delegate to use that function from their plugin.
Developers will use hooks when they want to intercept, modify, cancel, or
otherwise act upon a function call. For example, a plugin that wants to know
when the user switches their status might hook an UpdateStatus
function and
take some action on their own. Meanwhile, a developer that wants to just check
if the player has finished a quest would create a delegate pointing to an
function so that they could call it at their will.
In both of these cases, the developer needs to know the argument list (and
return type) of the function they are interacting with, though static analysis
tools will expose this information to the developer2. In many cases, not all
arguments are known (and will generally be represented as a3
or similar), or
an argument may be a pointer to a specific (and potentially unknown!) struct.
On Structures and Data Types
Fundamentally, this game is just like any other C or C++ program. This means
that internal to the game, many data objects are really just classes, which in
turn got compiled down to a plain C struct
. One of the key aspects of the
ClientStructs project is that it leverages C#'s interoperability features to
translate these C structs (either in part or in full) into usable C# structs -
which then can make accessing certain aspects of memory far simpler.
For cases where structures do not yet exist (or are not yet known), developers
can fall back to using pointer math and various C# tricks (e.g. the Marshal
methods) to read information out of the game's memory. Generally, though,
developers are encouraged to just take the extra time to write out the struct to
their ability.
Structures are just C structures. We port them into C# sometimes, and we use layouts. Pointer math is also a thing. We use intptr/nint a lot.
Sometimes, you will also see
. This is the/BASE
plus the function's offset, where the base address isa cool coincidencea property of the compiler FFXIV uses. ↩ -
Static analysis tools will use the x64 calling conventions to figure out what arguments go where. ↩