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Using Custom ClientStructs


The Dalamud project discourages shipping custom versions of ClientStructs to end users. If you need a CS bump or have found a breakage in a specific version, please let the Dalamud maintainer team know!

Oftentimes, ClientStructs contributors may want to verify or test their changes in a familiar codebase. Both Dalamud and ClientStructs provide the capability to do this, but some extra work needs to be done to get this working.


Using custom versions of Dalamud dependencies is not compatible with the provided Dalamud.Plugin.targets file. This will generally be the case if your plugin was based on SamplePlugin, but may be there in other cases as well. You can check for this by looking for the below line in your .csproj file:

    <Import Project="$(DalamudLibPath)/targets/Dalamud.Plugin.targets"/>

If this is the case, you will need to delete this line and manually manage your dependencies. The easiest way to do this is to just copy the declarations from the plugin targets file into your own .csproj. Please note that by doing this, your plugin will no longer automatically track the Dalamud-provided dependencies and Dalamud's target framework.

You will also need to have successfully built ClientStructs at least once, and have the relevant artifacts ready to go. Developers who are actively working on ClientStructs should normally have this prerequisite met.

Building Against Custom Client Structs

To use a custom ClientStructs, your plugin's .csproj file needs to be updated such that the FFXIVClientStructs dependency is pointing to the resulting DLL. Depending on how your project is configured, this may take one of a few different methods, but will generally involve removing any References mentioning FFXIVClientStructs and replacing it with something that looks similar to the one below:

    <Reference Include="FFXIVClientStructs">
<Private>true</Private> <!-- not necessary, but a good reminder -->

It is critical that the Private attribute either be set to true or unset. This will force MSBuild to copy the DLL to your plugin's output folder, which is in turn required to ensure that it's used over Dalamud's provided version.

Once your .csproj is patched, you will additionally be responsible for manually initializing the ClientStructs resolver. This is normally done by putting the following two lines of code in your plugin's constructor:


While also not strictly necessary, it is generally good convention to run a dotnet clean on your project when switching to/from a custom ClientStructs build. This should be your first step in troubleshooting if things don't seem to be working properly.

To revert these changes, simply undo your .csproj changes and remove the initializer code. It is generally advised to fall back to the Dalamud-provided ClientStructs when your testing is completed so that you don't inadvertently get stuck running a old forgotten DLL on your local computer.