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Class FileDialogManager

A manager for the Dalamud.Interface.ImGuiFileDialog.FileDialog class.

Assembly: Dalamud.dll
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public class FileDialogManager



Additional quick access items for the side bar.

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public readonly List<(string Name, string Path, FontAwesomeIcon Icon, int Position)> CustomSideBarItems


Additional flags with which to draw the window.

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public ImGuiWindowFlags AddedWindowFlags


OpenFolderDialog(string, Action<bool, string>)

Create a dialog which selects an already existing folder.

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public void OpenFolderDialog(string title, Action<bool, string> callback)
System.StringtitleThe header title of the dialog.
System.Action<System.Boolean,System.String>callbackThe action to execute when the dialog is finished.

OpenFolderDialog(string, Action<bool, string>, string?, bool)

Create a dialog which selects an already existing folder.

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public void OpenFolderDialog(string title, Action<bool, string> callback, string? startPath, bool isModal = false)
System.StringtitleThe header title of the dialog.
System.Action<System.Boolean,System.String>callbackThe action to execute when the dialog is finished.
System.StringstartPathThe directory which the dialog should start inside of. The last path this manager was in is used if this is null.
System.BooleanisModalWhether the dialog should be a modal popup.

SaveFolderDialog(string, string, Action<bool, string>)

Create a dialog which selects an already existing folder or new folder.

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public void SaveFolderDialog(string title, string defaultFolderName, Action<bool, string> callback)
System.StringtitleThe header title of the dialog.
System.StringdefaultFolderNameThe default name to use when creating a new folder.
System.Action<System.Boolean,System.String>callbackThe action to execute when the dialog is finished.

SaveFolderDialog(string, string, Action<bool, string>, string?, bool)

Create a dialog which selects an already existing folder or new folder.

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public void SaveFolderDialog(string title, string defaultFolderName, Action<bool, string> callback, string? startPath, bool isModal = false)
System.StringtitleThe header title of the dialog.
System.StringdefaultFolderNameThe default name to use when creating a new folder.
System.Action<System.Boolean,System.String>callbackThe action to execute when the dialog is finished.
System.StringstartPathThe directory which the dialog should start inside of. The last path this manager was in is used if this is null.
System.BooleanisModalWhether the dialog should be a modal popup.

OpenFileDialog(string, string, Action<bool, string>)

Create a dialog which selects a single, already existing file.

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public void OpenFileDialog(string title, string filters, Action<bool, string> callback)
System.StringtitleThe header title of the dialog.
System.StringfiltersWhich files to show in the dialog.
System.Action<System.Boolean,System.String>callbackThe action to execute when the dialog is finished.

OpenFileDialog(string, string, Action<bool, List<string>>, int, string?, bool)

Create a dialog which selects already existing files.

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public void OpenFileDialog(string title, string filters, Action<bool, List<string>> callback, int selectionCountMax, string? startPath = null, bool isModal = false)
System.StringtitleThe header title of the dialog.
System.StringfiltersWhich files to show in the dialog.
System.Action<System.Boolean,System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String>>callbackThe action to execute when the dialog is finished.
System.Int32selectionCountMaxThe maximum amount of files or directories which can be selected. Set to 0 for an infinite number.
System.StringstartPathThe directory which the dialog should start inside of. The last path this manager was in is used if this is null.
System.BooleanisModalWhether the dialog should be a modal popup.

SaveFileDialog(string, string, string, string, Action<bool, string>)

Create a dialog which selects an already existing folder or new file.

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public void SaveFileDialog(string title, string filters, string defaultFileName, string defaultExtension, Action<bool, string> callback)
System.StringtitleThe header title of the dialog.
System.StringfiltersWhich files to show in the dialog.
System.StringdefaultFileNameThe default name to use when creating a new file.
System.StringdefaultExtensionThe extension to use when creating a new file.
System.Action<System.Boolean,System.String>callbackThe action to execute when the dialog is finished.

SaveFileDialog(string, string, string, string, Action<bool, string>, string?, bool)

Create a dialog which selects an already existing folder or new file.

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public void SaveFileDialog(string title, string filters, string defaultFileName, string defaultExtension, Action<bool, string> callback, string? startPath, bool isModal = false)
System.StringtitleThe header title of the dialog.
System.StringfiltersWhich files to show in the dialog.
System.StringdefaultFileNameThe default name to use when creating a new file.
System.StringdefaultExtensionThe extension to use when creating a new file.
System.Action<System.Boolean,System.String>callbackThe action to execute when the dialog is finished.
System.StringstartPathThe directory which the dialog should start inside of. The last path this manager was in is used if this is null.
System.BooleanisModalWhether the dialog should be a modal popup.


Draws the current dialog, if any, and executes the callback if it is finished.

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public void Draw()


Removes the current dialog, if any.

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public void Reset()