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Enum FontScaleMode

Specifies how should global font scale affect a font.

Assembly: Dalamud.dll
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public enum FontScaleMode



Do the default handling. Dalamud will load the sufficienty large font that will accomodate the global scale, and stretch the loaded glyphs so that they look pixel-perfect after applying global scale on drawing. Note that bitmap fonts and game fonts will always look blurry if they're not in their original sizes.

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Default = 0


Do nothing with the font. Dalamud will load the font with the size that is exactly as specified. On drawing, the font will look blurry due to stretching. Intended for use with custom scale handling.

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SkipHandling = 1


Stretch the glyphs of the loaded font by the inverse of the global scale. On drawing, the font will always render exactly as the requested size without blurring, as long as Dalamud.Interface.Utility.ImGuiHelpers.GlobalScale and ImGuiNET.ImGui.SetWindowFontScale(float) do not affect the scale any further. Note that bitmap fonts and game fonts will always look blurry if they're not in their original sizes.

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UndoGlobalScale = 2

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